Friday, July 24, 2009

Disposable Memory Project

{Images via Disposable Memory Project}

Stumbled across this project, which I thought was an incredibly wonderful idea. It's called "The Disposable Memory Project", where a group of people leave disposable cameras around the world at random places. They leave the cameras in a little plastic bag, with instructions on what to do if found. When/if you find it, you are to take a few photos and pass it along to someone else. When the camera roll is finished, you send it back (they will pay for shipping back + processing of the images) to an address given and you'll be linked to the images
after the roll is developed.

It reminds me of a project my friend Lauren turned me on to, back when I was in my early twenties. It was called the 1000 Journals Project. Basically the same as the Disposable Memory Project, only with little black books. You fill the pages with anything you want and pass them along/drop them in random locations for people to fill and return to the projects home base. There is also a movie for 1000 Journals, the trailer looks amazing & inspiring. Watch it here: 1000 Journals Trailer. I'd always daydream about finding one of the books, and what i'd put in it. Neoprints? Polaroids? Izone photos of airplane windows? The possibilities were endless. I definitely have to watch this film, it's long overdue.

"What happened to us? Where did our creativity go?" - 1000 Journals Film

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