Sunday, October 18, 2009

"Watchin' the tide roll away"

What a long day, again. Woke up and got ready in a hazy state, still somewhat asleep in the
brain. Met w/ my husband's friend Scott and worked from about 1ish till 4-5. I can't really remember
when it all ended. It's all sorta bleeding into one long memory of a day. Such a good day though! Scott's
parents are amazing people, so sweet and friendly and so cute together, and his mom makes the best
Rosemary chicken i've ever tasted. It was the first time (away from home) that a home cooked meal hit
the spot. We were shooting photos on the beach until the fog started to roll in. Apparently it's not normal
for so much fog to be around at this time of year. I liked it, I didn't see it as a negative at ALL. Fog
reminds me of San Francisco and friends and feeling inspired and bookstores and public transit.
I sat, staring out the window, listening to the boats blow their fog horns. Such a wonderful feeling.
I had a good day. Well worth feeling completely drained. No complaints here.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend! G'night. Zzz


  1. man i love the picture of the windows & the fog & the frame with all the different kinds of knots. soooo cool : ) looks so nice. you'll be home soon, grandmas gonna be cooking lots of good food : ) love you, miss you tons.

  2. thanks :). i can't believe i'll be home in about a month, that is...if we find somewhere to stay?! still don't know what's goin' on with all that. hopefully it'll work itself out. miss you lots!
