Thursday, November 5, 2009

On Planes.

This photo reminds me of how I feel when I fly. Also, reminds me that I now have
medication to help me get through this. I can't see how it will work, but it's worth a
try. I have a feeling my mind will win the fight. Drugs never win.

Jake Dow-Smith


  1. Hi dear. You don't have to answer this if you don't want to, but I am curious what medication you have? If you remember, I cannot fly really, because of anxiety, and I am always wondering what works for others.

    That said, you will be okay. I know how hard it is, trust me. We just drove to SC because I didn't want to fly. But find a book that you can't put down. Get on plane and immediately start reading said book and try not to think. That's helped me in the past. Along with some valium.

    Good luck! I can't wait to see all the wonderful photos you are going to take in Hawaii.

  2. hi! no problem, it's actually xanax. I've never ever tried it before but am thinking about trying it the day before the flight. I've read on fear-of-flying forums that a lot of people take it on their flights and it helps them. we will see! i will definitely let you know, i have major doubts about it. nothing ever works for me :(.

    thank you, it's so hard! we always drive to vegas and san diego for trade shows. this is why i haven't been home to hawaii in over a year! so scared, but i know it HAS to happen.

    i'm gonna try reading the book and see if it works. i'll let you know about that too. when was the last time you flew?

    anyway, thanks so much! love your photos from 'roid week! the ATZ is so nice. tones are so lovely.

    hope alls well.

