Sunday, January 17, 2010

corsage brooches

Back from mexican food and a movie. We ended up watching "Lovely Bones", which
was a little freaky and weird. Kara is in the process of reading the book and said that
it's a lot better than the movie- it's always like that, no? I found it to be okay.
Definitely have seen worse movies. Overall though, it was a really nice night.
The only downside is that I have a massive headache (I think from the margarita) that's
pounding against the back of my eyes. Me and alcohol just don't mix anymore! I know
i've said this before but...really? One drink? Someone is sending me a sign- DON'T DRINK!

So, about these photos above:

Handmade corsage brooches by A Alicia @ All Things Original. I want one in every color!
The coral color is my very favorite, but they're all so super cute. Wah! Another thing on my
want list!

Alright, now to nurse this migraine of a headache. G'night.

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