Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to disappear completely

Wow, today has been rather productive. It feels great to know I'm actually getting somewhere.
Been online researching all day and working on the site. Really excited for all of this to kick off.

Got a package from Lauren in the mail, which really just brightened the day a whole lot more.
Thank you, Lauren! <3

Wrote down some resolutions on paper. Just a whole bunch of little things I need to work
on in the coming year. Work-on-self type stuff. Also, a few things I want accomplished. I've
never had so many goals in all my life! I guess this is a good thing, I feel 100% challenged.
2009 was definitely a hard year. It pushed me backwards into a little dark corner where all I could
really do was question where this very path was leading me and if I want to be going in that
direction. Change is good. I seem to really hate it when it first presents itself, but getting out of
your self-made routines is healthy. Staying indoors and twiddling your thumbs while watching
your favorite T.V shows and eating ramen is NOT what I call a good time. Not if you're doing this
every day of your life. No. But then, that's just me. I feel like I really have fallen down the rabbit
hole. A far deeper hole than ever before and it's going to feel DAMN good once i've found a way
up to that sunshine and fresh air.

Oh yes.

Now back to researching & note taking. Have a good remainder of the day. :)


  1. i like the banner :) i like everything actually! hope you had a good day!

  2. ohh thanksssss. having a good day. i should sleep. g'night :)

    ps- have a good day, tomorrow.
