Wednesday, December 9, 2009

4 Days

Torn between the love of two cities. What to do with myself? I think if I had the chance to move to
Oahu or Kauai, it would be Kauai. Is that crazy? Not to me. Less people, more nature, small towns,
mom and pop shops vs. huge chain stores, rivers and ponds, waterfalls and caves, untainted beaches.
What more can you want? Shopping? I can do it online, easily.

Anyway, that's not the point of today's entry. Not sure there's even a point actually. I've just been caught
up feeling a little nostalgic again. Spending a nice day with my family. I'm gonna miss them a lot when
I go back to Los Angeles. I hate missing them, it's such a sad/shitty feeling! Too bad I wasn't okay with
flying back and forth! It would alleviate a lot of pain.

These photos were taken in Aiea. The hometown. Near Todd's house. Pearl Harbor in the distance. Ehh.
We take to many beautiful things for granted. It reminds me of a little interlude audio sample that
Lauren put on one of my mixtapes (TAPES). "You have to make yourself sick. Physically sick". Sick of
a newer object, to appreciate the old. Why can't we just learn to love the now? Why is that so hard?!

I'm so tired. 1 am. I'm going to sleep! Long long day. G'night.

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