Friday, December 4, 2009

Album covers and fried rice

WOW. What a day. I feel so tired but it was all so worth it. Tried getting the internet up and
running once again. No luck. Ron worked 1/2 the day and then we headed down to Kaneohe
to work on shooting an album cover and hanging out with Lauren & Joe. I think the photos
turned out pretty amazing. A lot better than I was expecting. I don't really know WHAT I
was expecting, honestly. But it came out really good. I wish I could show samples, but I
can't. Sorry.

Got to hang out and catch up with Lauren. It was so nice, I've missed that so so much. I
wish we were closer to each other. Just to be able to talk and relax together. Distance is
really a bummer sometimes. Lauren, if you're reading this, you really need to visit me.
It'll be a chill experience I promise. :)

Well, I need to shower and pack a few things. This weekend is gonna be a long one.
Catching a plane tomorrow and shooting a wedding on Saturday! We also don't have a
ride to the airport in the morning so not sure what we're going to do!!!

Have a great weekend. Maybe i'll get to update there, they'll have internet for sure. G'night.

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