Monday, December 14, 2009


We're back in Los Angeles! I also had one of the worst days of my entire life yesterday. Started
off good. We got to the airport on time, stood in that disgustingly long check-in line, and I argued with
the TSA folk about hand checking my camera + film. They obviously have never seen a Rolleiflex
and got a little freaked out by it, telling me that I either had to take my film out or send it through
x-ray. Anyway, they hand checked it. Never had a problem at any other airport. Just HNL.

After the security check, we went to our gate and boarded our plane on time. Took off and within 5
minutes, there's an announcement that we're gonna have to turn around and head back to HNL for
an emergency landing. One of the generators failed and something about FAA regulations not allowing
planes to cross the pacific with one generator out. I felt the anxiety creep up through my veins at rapid
speeds. My worst fear had come true. I've always imagined the moment where i'd hear someone come
onto the loud speaker to tell us something was wrong with the plane, but actually hearing it. For real.
It was like a nightmare, set in slow-motion. All I could do was panic and cry and pray. We flew all the
way to maui, really low to the water. I know this because we were eye level with Haleakala (Maui). They
had to dump the fuel before heading back, but they didn't tell us this. I remember my grandma telling
me that this is what they do in event of emergency landings shortly after take off.

We finally got back to HNL and sat in the plane for a good 30 minutes before being let off. Truck loads
of mechanics pulled up to the engine, unloading tools and little boxes w/ wires, i'm guessing they were
generators. They pulled up the engine hood (similar to a car's hood, w/ that little kickstand gadget to
keep it upright) and started working on it. They made an announcement that we could get 15$ each
in food vouchers, so Ron and I picked it up and took the Wiki Wiki to burger king and the airport bar
where we sat, ate and watched the sun set behind the little speck of planes lining the horizon.
When we got back to the gate, they told us that the plane had cleared and that we were going to be
able to depart at 7:15pm. Let me note: We arrived at the airport at 12pm. 7 hours in a plane and
at the airport. For someone who is horribly afraid of flying...IT WAS HELL!!!!!!! Got in the plane and
immediately started to cry. Was I making a mistake? Should I just stay? Wait for another plane? My
analytical mind took over. Way over. By far, this was my worst flight. I started to hear things.
Imagine crazy sounds, occasionally flashing back to what happened a few hours ago. Would it
happen in the middle of our flight? I was terrified. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't get drunk. My adrena-
line was pumping through me so hard that I just couldn't function properly. I forced myself to
watch 500 days of summer. It took the whole flight to watch it in its entirety. We started our decent
and the pilot started to fly extremely close to the water, slowing down and speeding up. Making my
brain hear strange sounds again. Even Ron was tripping out on how we were landing. AND the pilot
never spoke one word the whole flight. The flight attendant would come on sometimes and
tell us we need to bring our seats to the upright position and to fasten our seat belts but not once
did the pilot speak. I seen her when we finally landed. I was just EXTREMELY elated to be safe
and sound on the ground again. I am so thankful that we're back home. I can't even begin to express
just how happy I am to be here.

14 hours in airports and airplanes=top 5 worst days of all time.
+ finding a cab in a ghost-town of an airport at 3 am=recipe for sickness.

I'm so tired, and I think I caught a cold/flu from either the airport or the plane. Gonna take it easy
today and rest. Hopefully it's not gonna be a really bad plague. Also hope everyone is doing well.
More photos soon :)

Have a good Monday!


  1. Good grief Leila, what an ordeal to go through! I can't even imagine. It's stories like this that make me continue to dread flying. BUT you made it! Yay! Glad it was mostly an awesome trip for you. Your photos are gorgeous.

  2. Ahh! Sorry! I don't want to freak you out about flying. I was starting to feel a little better about it and then that happened. I'm glad I got through all those flights though! they're mentally and emotionally DRAINING. I gotta email you about the medicine I took. Email coming soon :) Hope you're well.
