Saturday, December 19, 2009


Can't sleep. I keep sneezing and my head is pounding. Feels like water is suffocating
my brain right now. Was trying not to take nyquil but at this point I have to. Just hate
waking up feeling like hell.

Oh well, here goes nothing.

Also, here's a photo of my sister. Taken outside of our parent's house last week. Was
it last week? It feels a little weird to say.


1 comment:

  1. this picture is so bananas that i can see my split ends & now i would looove a haircut!

    it is strange that you were here last week! feels like so long ago!

    i hope you feel better, i just landed in the same boat as you. my throat is on fire & i just started sneezing. ugh!!!!!

    miss you tons. feel better.
