Monday, December 7, 2009

Day One | Oahu

This is the first day of our trip back home. Leaving LAX was full of nervousness (for me) and last
minute packing. I popped a Xanax from my doctor and started to feel a little less stressed out about
flying. I even managed to get some photos at the gate! I've found that taking photos excessively,
makes me feel a little better. It's the only thing that forces me out of my little analyzation box. It
allows me to focus completely on taking the photo, after photo, after photo. And even though I look
like a complete psycho taking snapping away at any/everything, it works. I felt better.

Fast forward 2 weeks and i've already taken 3 flights. To Honolulu, to Kauai, back to Honolulu. I can't
lie, I still HATE IT! But I'm happy I did it, it was worth it. I'll post more photos later. I'm so extremely
drained from shooting Jacque's wedding.

Also, I have an internet connection up. My father in-law just flew in from Japan today, so we've been
hanging out with him and spending some time. I'm about to take a nap. My parents are having a BBQ
for us tonight and it feels as though I'm running on fumes.

Zzz. G'night.

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